From India and Pakistan to Brazil and USA, the State has declared a war against social media, especially the ones that are not compliant.
Therefore, it’s a good time to bust some long due myths about social media that those in power continue to peddle.
Myth # 1: You can buy/control social media influence/narratives through money.
Fact: Social media is a decentralised information space where public pulse dictates the narratives. If $$ could build narratives, Gaza would have no voice, and Nawaz Sharif and Netanyahu would be saints by now.
Myth 2: Social media is not reflective of ground realities.
Fact: Of all the existing mediums including Radio, TV and Print, it is actually SM which is most reflective of ground realities and in real time. Crowdsourced information space is way more credible & reliable than heavily moderated, edited, & censored traditional platforms. Also with SM penetration over 50% in many countries around the world, SM is as real as the reality itself.
Myth 3: Social Media has led to a growth in Fake News & Disinformation
Fact: Social media has overall increased the speed and frequency of information (both credible & fake). If anything by taking the monopoly of information away from the state actors & traditional media houses, the social media may have probably enhanced the credibility of information through crowdsourced and decentralised information space. Also a fact: State and state actors are the biggest producer of fake news around the world, not some teenager making memes in his basement.
Myth 4: You can shutdown the Social Media and all will be well.
Fact: People will invent a new technology to voice their hate/love for you if they have to.
Myth 5: Social Media is irrelevant.
Fact: Good chances are that you are irrelevant if you believe this in 2024.
Some yes men constantly tell their bosses that social media is to blame for everything. They know it's not true, but they repeat the lie until they start believing it themselves. It's worth asking if anyone will have the courage to tell the emperor he has no clothes.
I laughed when I read this funny, sad, and true statement: "State and state actors are the biggest producer of fake news around the world."
This reminds of the news from Pakistan that Asim Munir has an approval rating of like 95%.