Heard that certain PPP leaders believe that IK may be free before the Sept 8th rally.

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I think the only change required in IK is for him to be diplomatic about following instructions from the US. Unifying national force issue is clearly solved on his part.

That is what changed everything for the US decision makers and Pak military

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No true leader of Pakistan should have to follow the dictat of the US. They should look out for the interest of Pakistan but remain diplomatic in pursuing such interests

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All that and oh yea, they possess a few nukes too…

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Before US policy makers despair about Pakistan, the citizens of Pakistan has already given up on their country.

You only need to look around you!!

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Indeed a sorry situation. Hope Pakistan finds a leader who can lead the country to path of development uninterrupted by Military.

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Aug 27
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People like you have destroyed the country.

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The post I was commenting on is removed now so please overlook the comment.

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